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Get Muslim Girls Active 


Support a Lesson

Fund First Aid Training

Train a Ride Leader

Group rides and lessons are delivered by female Muslim instructors to empower and inspire the next generation of Muslim cyclists.

Ride Leaders undergo First Aid training, so if there are any accidents during ride,

they are there to help.  

All of our teen girls’ group rides

are delivered by qualified

Muslim women Ride Leaders.

Inspiring the next generation to get active

Teenage girls, especially Muslim girls, often face challenges in staying physically active. 85% of teenage girls don’t get enough physical activity, which can have detrimental effects on their health and well-being. 


Many Muslim teenage girls experience barriers such as a lack of suitable opportunities to participate in physical activity or concerns around not fitting in.


By offering free rides and lessons in a supportive and inclusive environment, Cycle Sisters' Teen Bikers project addresses these barriers and provides opportunities for girls to engage in healthy, active lifestyles.


A space for Muslim teens to build confidence

“For my daughter who is shy, it’s helped her to become more confident.” Nadia, mother.

The Teen Bikers Project creates opportunities for girls to connect with

each other, build friendships and develop a sense of belonging within

the community.

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