A Guide for Local Authorities
In this guide, we’ve shared our learning about how local authorities can increase the take up of cycling among under-represented groups including women and diverse ethnic communities.
The guide covers topics such as Bikeability lessons, bike access, and supporting community groups.
Cycle Sisters has been supporting Muslim women to cycle since 2016. We have developed a successful model of community cycle groups and have grown to a network of multiple groups across London and a grassroots movement of more than 1500 women.
We have put together a series of guides to share our key learning about how to support more people from diverse communities to cycle.
Our experience has been working with one particular under-represented group, Muslim women. Championing religious, race and gender equality within cycling is one part of the much broader area of diversity and inclusion in cycling. We are not claiming to be experts - just sharing our experience and hoping it is useful to others.
We’d like our guides to be evolving documents which change and grow with new ideas and perspectives. If you have any feedback or questions, please contact us on salam@cyclesisters.org.uk.
We can provide further 1-to-1 training in any of the areas in these guides. Please get in touch to find out more on salam@cyclesisters.org.uk.
“If it wasn't for Cycle Sisters I would never have tried cycling. The lycra-wearing, typical cyclist was so far removed from what I'd even try. I've gone from reluctant to giving it a go to cycling enthusiast and now owning my own bike and cycling with my family too. All without having to compromise what I'm wearing. Cycle Sisters has shown me how cycling can accommodate anyone.”