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Support Weekly Cycle Rides
Cycling tackles poor health and isolation
Despite the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) being filled with examples of physical activity, Muslims today are the least active faith group in the UK, particularly women and girls.
A lack of women-only spaces, experiences of discrimination and racism, as well as financial barriers are some of the key challenges Muslim women face.
Cycle Sisters' weekly rides are much more than just a cycling experience. They give Muslim women the opportunity to improve their health and wellbeing in a supportive environment without having to compromise their religious or cultural values.
The best way of having a healthy Muslim community is through having healthy mothers. By donating towards weekly cycle rides, you’ll be supporting women to come together to create positive change for themselves, their families, and their communities.
95% of our participants have told us that their mental health has improved since joining our rides, and 87% said they feel more connected to their local community.
Cycling changes people’s lives
“I was too self-conscious to be active as I am overweight and wear a hijab (headscarf).” Fatima
Fatima was referred to Cycle Sisters by a social prescriber after a mental health crisis. At the time, Fatima was also dealing with chronic health conditions including back pain and diabetes.
Muslims in the UK experience a range of health inequalities, with the biggest challenge said to be the 3 Ds: Diabetes, Dementia and Depression. Nearly a quarter of Muslims aged 50 years and above report ‘poor or very poor health’, which is double that of the population as a whole and affects Muslim women more acutely than men.